Which tariffs does book-n-drive offer?
Our price structure is simple:
Private customers (so everyone not signing up as a company) have two tariffs to choose from:
Basic tariff:
This is ideal for you if you are just starting to use carsharing! Our basic tariff has no monthly fees – you only pay whenever you use a car! No strings attached!
Abo tariff:
This tariff is great if you are planning to use us more frequently! You pay a monthly fee of 9,90 EUR and get to enjoy reduced prices for our hourly rates as well as day rates. In addition, your basic fee per ride (we call it „Grundpreis pro Fahrt“) which includes our faircrash protection is also included for every ride!
Companies & organizations:
We’ve got a special tariff for anyone wanting to use book-n-drive for professional purposes! If you sign up for our “Firmentarif” you get a discounted 50% on our hourly and day rates, Monday – Friday from 6 AM – 4 PM.
Check out our price calculator for corporate use and see how much you can save!
Diese Verlinkung nutzen: Preisrechner Firmentarif | book-n-drive Carsharing – So viel Auto, wie ich will