Help & Service


Can I specify another invoice recipient?

Yes, just send an e-mail to . However, we cannot invoice individual journeys via other invoice recipients. It is also not possible to change invoices at a later date.

I would like to pay my invoice later - what can I do?

In this case, please contact our customer accounting department, either by e-mail to or by phone 069 . 5899 622 22.

I have a complaint about my invoice – who can help me?

Just send an e-mail to . We will get in touch with you.

Why was an Ultimate-fuelling calculated on my invoice?

Please do not refuel with so-called "Ultimate" fuels! These types of fuel are considerably more expensive than the standard types. Tests have shown, however, that possible advantages of these new types do not justify the high price. If you do refuel with an "Ultimate" fuel, we will charge you a surcharge of 10 cents per litre, but at least 5 euros. We ask for your understanding.

When will I receive my invoice?

Invoices are usually issued on the Wednesday of the week following the end of the trip and are then due for payment within 10 days.

For the sake of simplification, however, frequent customers only receive an invoice every 4 weeks, unless the accrued travel costs are significantly higher than with previous invoices. For basic prices, fees etc. the regulation applies accordingly.