Help & Service

Contract + Insurance

Which tariffs does book-n-drive offer?

Our price structure is simple:

Private customers (so everyone not signing up as a company) have two tariffs to choose from: 

Basic tariff: 
This is ideal for you if you are just starting to use carsharing! Our basic tariff has no monthly fees – you only pay whenever you use a car! No strings attached!

Abo tariff: 
This tariff is great if you are planning to use us more frequently! You pay a monthly fee of 9,90 EUR and get to enjoy reduced prices for our hourly rates as well as day rates. In addition, your basic fee per ride (we call it „Grundpreis pro Fahrt“) which includes our faircrash protection is also included for every ride! 

Companies & organizations: 
We’ve got a special tariff for anyone wanting to use book-n-drive for professional purposes! If you sign up for our “Firmentarif” you get a discounted 50% on our hourly and day rates, Monday – Friday from 6 AM – 4 PM. 

Check out our price calculator for corporate use and see how much you can save! 
Diese Verlinkung nutzen: Preisrechner Firmentarif | book-n-drive Carsharing – So viel Auto, wie ich will

How do I choose a new tariff?

You can choose a new tariff at any time. The tariff can be changed at the beginning of the month with a notice period of two weeks. Simply send us an e-mail to with the subject "Tariff change".

Wie buche ich das Service-Paket

Sie können das Servicepaket ganz einfach direkt in Ihrem Kundenkonto hinzubuchen: Loggen Sie sich ein. Das Service-Paket beinhaltet zwei kostenlose Upgrades der Fahrzeugklasse pro Kalenderjahr. Zudem reduziert sich die Standard-Selbstbeteiligung von 1.500 EUR auf nur 300 EUR. Das Service-Paket kostet 90 EUR pro Jahr und hat eine Laufzeit von 12 Monaten.

What does a service package include?

The serive package from book-n-drive includes:

  •  Liability in case of damage reduced to 300 Euro
  • Two free vehicle class upgrades per calendar year

The service package has a term of one year and is automatically extended if it is not cancelled six weeks before expiry. The cancellation form can be found here.

Parallel bookings: The vehicles booked in parallel may only be driven by activated customers. For a non-customer to be allowed to drive a book-n-drive vehicle, the book-n-drive customer through whom the booking is made must also be in the vehicle.

This is how you book your free upgrade of a vehicle class: 

1) Book your desired upgrade station car (i.e. one class higher) as usual via the website or app.

2) Before you start your journey, write an email to stating your customer number and which journey it is.

3) Customer Service will process your request and set the upgrade in the system. For example, if you have booked an M class car, it will be billed as the cheaper S class. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail.

Important: No retroactive upgrade. Make sure that you write to us before you start your journey!

How am I insured if I use a book-n-drive car?

As a user of a book-n-drive car, you are insured with fully comprehensive insurance and motor vehicle liability. You can determine the amount of the excess in the event of a claim yourself by choosing your safety package.

What is faircrash?

The faircrash® Small Claims Cancellation covers small, individual damages to sheet metal and plastic parts (e.g. bumpers, panels, etc.). faircrash fairness simplifies the handling of book-n-drive cars and, in particular, the inspection of the car for new damage before the start of the journey. Minor damages that fall under the faircrash® Minor Loss Cancellation do not have to be reported. No excess will be charged to the customer for these damages.

The following minor damages are covered by faircrash®:

  1. Individual scratches without dents up to the length of an EC card (8 cm)
  2. Single dents up to the size of a 2-Euro piece
What are tariff partners and cost centres?

Tariff partners in the company tariff are authorised persons or cost centres of the main customer with their own customer number, security package and customer card.

In the company tariff, you have the option of creating so-called company tariff partners, employees and company tariff partners, cost centers via the main customer number. There is no limit to the number of tariff partners. This option allows you to customize your mobility needs.

Company tariff partners Employees and company tariff partners Cost centers each receive their own customer number, their own mobility passports and their own security packages. Tariff partners do not receive their own invoice. All costs incurred by tariff partners are billed to the main customer.

Bookings in the company tariff are made exclusively via tariff partners and not via the main customer.

Comparison company tariff partners employee and cost centre


Tariff partner employees

Tariff partner cost centre

Own customer number or bookings yes


Maximum number of Customer Cards


up to 4

Max. number of parallel bookings



Customer card transferable



Price per Customer card

one-time 29€ gross

one-time per card 29€ gross

Tariff partners can be created in the login area of the main customer under the heading Contract data.

Is there a minimum term form my book-n-drive contract?

No. You can change a chargeable tariff (comfort and subscription) to the free basic tariff 14 days before the end of the month. You can make the change either by telephone, informally by e-mail or with the tariff change form, which you can find in our "Downloads".

Our service office in Hofheim can be reached from Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 at 069 . 5899 622 22.

The Premium security package is booked for one year and can be cancelled in writing 6 weeks before the contract is extended.

You can find information about the cancellation period here.

What do I do if I want to cancel my contract?

First check whether it makes more sense to switch to a tariff without an on-going charge (Basic tariff). So you can continue to use book-n-drive if you need a car again. You will find the appropriate tariff change form in the download area.

If you are sure that you no longer wish to use book-n-drive, you can cancel your contract with six weeks' notice to the end of the quarter. Please send us your signed cancellation by letter, fax or scan to our service office in Wiesbaden (Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus; Fax: 069 . 5899 622 22; Mail: ).

How do I cancel my security package?

You can cancel your security package (old) and your service package using the following form.

Wie melde ich mich vom Newsletter ab?

Sie können sich ganz einfach von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Öffnen Sie dazu eines unserer letzten Mailings. Im unteren Teil finden Sie einen Abmelde-Link. Klicken Sie darauf und Sie sind automatisch abgemeldet! Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Ihnen weiterhin für vertragsrelevante Themen eine Email schreiben. 

So sieht der Abmelde-Link aus: 
