Help & Service
Here are our FAQ!

All you need to know about our change of system this fall
- How can I register?
You can register directly online using There is a on-off registration fee of 19 Euro.
After successful registration you will receive a password and a customer number by e-mail. You can pickup your book-n-drive card, the card for all cars, at our activation points in the Rhine-Main area.
- Is there a minimum age at book-n-drive to become a customer?
Yes. You must be at least 18 years old.
- Is my foreign driver´s licence valid?
EU driver´s licences are valid. Unfortunately, we cannot accept other driver´s licences, including international ones.
- What does book-n-drive cost?
For the easy and quick online registration initial cost of 19 € will accrue.
book-n-drive offers you tariffs for every need- from low-drivers without a basic price to frequent drivers with particularly low fares. All fares have two things in common: very low fixed costs and fares that always include fuel, parking (stationary cars), insurance (third party and fully comprehensive insurance), cover and book-n-drive care and maintenance.
Booking + Driving
- How do I book a car?
We have a free app for it! Alternatively, you can find and reserve cityFlitzer and station-based cars via our website.
- How do I open a car?
Hold your costumer card in front of the card reader, which is behind the windscreen. If the car is booked on you, or free, the light switches to green. This may take a few moments. In the app under “bookings” you can open and close the car with your smartphone opening code (mobile PIN). For cityFlitzer this is possible if a pre-booking has been made. You will find your mobile PIN in your account when you log in.
- Kann ich auch ohne Kundenkarte Autos nutzen und was ist der Fahrzeug-PIN (Karten-PIN)?
Na klar! Eine physische Kundenkarte ist nicht mehr nötig, alles funktioniert mit der App / Webseite. Wie du deinen Fahrzeug-PIN (Karten-PIN) festlegst, erklären wir hier.
Sobald die Buchung beginnt, kannst du in der App über den Button „Fahrten“ die aktuelle Buchung finden und das Auto mit dem "Öffnen"-Button öffnen. Wichtig: Die Option, das Auto per App zu öffnen, erscheint erst ab Buchungsbeginn. Nach Klick auf „Öffnen“ gibst du die Karten-PIN ein und klickst anschließend auf „Fahrzeug öffnen“. Das Auto wird geöffnet und du findest den Fahrzeugschlüssel wie gewohnt im Handschuhfach in der Schlüsselhalterung. Nach Fahrtende verschließt du das Auto mit der App mit Klick auf den Button „Fahrzeug schließen“.
- Wie beende ich eine Fahrt?
So beendest Du deine Fahrt:
1) Autoschlüssel zurück in die dafür vorgesehene Halterung im Handschuhfach stecken. Der Schlüssel hängt an einem runden Datenchip, welcher wieder zurück in die Halterung im Handschuhfach gesteckt werden muss. Bitte lege den Schlüssel nicht einfach in das Handschuhfach, ohne den Datenchip wieder in die Halterung zu stecken. In dem Fall kann der nächste Kunde das Auto dann nicht öffnen, was einen kostenpflichtiger Technikereinsatz notwendig macht, den wir belasten müssen.
2) Das Auto mit der App verschließen oder die Kundenkarte von außen an die Windschutzscheibe halten und warten bis das Licht auf rot springt.
Solange Du das Auto nutzt - also während deiner Buchung beim Zwischenparken - öffne und schließe das Auto bitte mit dem Autoschlüssel!
- What do I have to consider before driving?
Before you drive, always check the car for damage and defects. We mark damages, which we already know, with a small sticker with a green tick. New unmarked damage should be reported to the service centre on 069 . 5899 622 22 before the start of the trip. Minor damage reported that fall under the rules of the faircrash™ minor damage goodwill, you do not have to report.
- What does a trip cost me?
book-n-drive offers you tariffs for every need – whether you are driving occasionally without a recurring base fee or want to hit the road more frequently in our Abo tariff with low usage fares – we got you! All fares have two things in common: very low fixed costs and fares that always include fuel, parking (for our stationary cars), insurance (third party and fully comprehensive insurance), breakdown cover and book-n-drive care and maintenance services.
For concrete information, use our price calculator.
- Who will help me, if I have any questions?
For all questions or concerns you reach us under the telephone number 069 . 5899 622 22 or by mail under
- How long do I have to book in advance to get a car?
You can book a car at any time without any lead time. Around 80% of all trips are booked on the same day. However, if you need a special car (e. g. a transporter) or are planning a longer journey, it makes sense to reserve your desired vehicle as early as possible. All cityFlitzer can be spontaneously removed from their car park or reserved 30 minutes in advance via or app.
- Do I have to park the car where I picked it up?
cityFlitzer can be parked flexibly in the Frankfurter cityFlitzer area and at the cityFlitzer pools in the Rhine-Main area. Station-based cars have their own permanent parking space and have to be returned there and there only.
- What are cityFlitzer?
cityFlitzer is the name of the popular station-independent car at book-n-drive. cityFlitzer can be removed spontaneously and returned – without booking or time limit – for up to two weeks, regardless of the place of pick up.
- What are station-based cars?
Station-based cars have a reserved parking space where you can pick up and return the car. Choose your booking time and the right car. From Smart, small car, electric car, convertible to van and 9-seater bus everything is there – even automatic vehicles. In the Rhine-Main area you will find over über 700 station-based book-n-drive cars. Book-n-drive is a partner in the Deutsche Bahn´s Flinkster network. In addition, you can choose from thousands of cars throughout Germany.
All cars that do NOT have cityFlitzer branding on them are station-based cars and must be returned to the original parking space upon return.
- How can I change or cancel a booking?
You can view and change your bookings on our website and in the app at any time. For example, if you want to change the period, simply enter the new times under “Change booking”. Please avoid cancelling a trip and re-entering it, otherwise the system will charge you avoidable cancellation fees and additional charges the cost of the new booking.
You can cancel your booking free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the booking period. After that 50% of the time price will be charged. If the booking period is more than 24 hours, the period up to which free cancellation is possible will be extended to the booking period. Please also use our app or website for cancellations. If this is not possible, you can reach us by telephone: 069 . 5899 622 22.
cityFlitzer are free and flexible: Reservations are only possible 30 minutes beforehand, you can decide the period of use spontaneously. The booking period begins at the time of reservation.
- What if I am late or want to extend my trip?
If you notice during the trip that you will be late and cannot return the car within booked time, inform the service centre immediately (069 . 5899 622 22). If an extension is not possible due to a follow-up booking and you still return the vehicle late, we will charge a lump sum for the cost of rebooking the following customer. A higher flat rate will be charged for delays without prior notification of the service centre. In 90% of cases, you can easily extend your booking with a timely call and only pay for the extra time.
- What has to be considered when travelling abroad?
International trips generally require the approval of book-n-drive.
- Trips to our Western European neighbours (Belgium, Denmark, France, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland) are generally permitted. You can leave on the spur of the moment. However, we recommend that you register your trip with our customer service department so that we can clean and check the car before you leave.
- For journeys to all other European countries the following applies: You must register the journey with book-n-drive customer service beforehand and have it approved in writing, e.g. by e-mail. book-n-drive is entitled to refuse the reduction of liability in the event of damage without the corresponding authorisation. Please note that journeys to or through certain Eastern European countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus) and all non-European countries (e.g. Morocco, Tunisia) are not possible due to the increased risk. Special permits for these countries will only be issued under special conditions and, if necessary, with certain conditions.
Please note the following information when travelling abroad:
- The original vehicle license and a warning vest are always in the car.
- As a customer you are responsible for compliance with foreign legal regulations (e.g. motorway vignettes, owner's certificate for export of the vehicle to Poland, replacement bulb set for the Czech Republic, bulb masking for Great Britain and Ireland, temporary winter tyre obligation in Austria, any additional warning vests required). book-n-drive will not assume any costs for this.
- If possible, please also use the DKV fuel card abroad, which is valid throughout Europe. Should you nevertheless pay for refuelling abroad yourself, please send the original receipt for reimbursement to book-n-drive, Service Office Rhine-Main, Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 5, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus. Please understand that we can only refund the net amount of foreign receipts, as we are unable to obtain a refund of foreign value added Tax.
- Can I take my pet in the car?
Yes, animals may be carried in suitable transport containers or in the luggage area with a suitable base. Please do not leave your pet on the cushions.
- Can I let someone else drive?
Yes, as long as you are sitting next to it, the driver needs a valid driver´s licence and is fit to drive. Cars that are booked on you may be driven by other book-n-drive customers even in your absence.
- What do I do if I have an accident?
In the event of an accident, please call our hotline on 069 . 5899 622 22. There you will receive all necessary assistance. After the accident, we need the completed and signed accident report within two days for the insurance and further claims.
- What should I do if my booked car is damaged or if the booster seat is missing?
If the car you have booked is actually not in perfect condition, please inform us directly on 069 . 5899 622 22.
- Can I smoke in the car?
No. The smell of smoke is bothersome to other users and to protect children in particular, it is not allowed to smoke in book-n-drive cars.
- Darf ich während der Buchung mein Privatauto an der Station zwischenparken?
Nein. Das Parken mit Fremdfahrzeugen auf unseren Carsharing-Stellplätzen (Stationen) ist grundsätzlich nicht erlaubt.
An manchen Stationen werden Bußgelder verhängt und auch Abschleppungen sind möglich.
- Darf ich das Auto in die Waschanlage bringen?
Klar! Wenn das Auto es nötig hat, dann kannst du das gebuchte Auto in die Waschanlage bringen.
Nutze zum Bezahlen des Waschprogramms die in unseren Autos verfügbare DKV-Tankkarte, die sich in der dafür vorgesehenen Halterung im Handschuhfach befindet. Bitte nutze das Basic-Waschprogramm, wir übernehmen die Kosten für eine Autowäsche über maximal 10 Euro.
- Wie kann ich ein E-Auto während der Buchung zwischenladen?
Wenn bei längeren Fahrten ein Zwischenladen an der Ladesäule der Station nicht möglich ist, erlauben wir auch das Laden an den Ladepunkten, im europaweiten DKV-Ladeverbund (siehe Karte).
Die DKV-Ladekarte befindet sich in unseren Autos im Handschuhfach in der dafür vorgesehenen Halterung.
Für mit der DKV-Ladekarte gebuchte Ladevorgänge gelten strenge Zeitlimits. An Wechselstrom Ladesäulen (AC) gilt ein Limit von 210 Minuten, an Gleichstrom Ladesäulen (DC) dürfen maximal 90 Minuten geladen werden. Für Zeitüberschreitungen berechnet DKV Zusatzkosten in Höhe von neun Cent je Minute. Als Anbieter belasten wir den Verursacher solcher Zusatzkosten den von DKV berechneten Aufpreis, mindestens jedoch 7,50 Euro je Vorgang. Eine Übersicht der Aufpreise findest du in den weiteren Preisen und Sonderbedingungen auf unserer Webseite unter „Downloads“.
- Was tun, wenn die Carsharing-Station durch einen Fremdparker blockiert ist?
Wenn der für unser Auto reservierte Carsharing-Stellplatz (wir sprechen hier auch von der „Station“) durch einen Fremdparker blockiert ist, dann stelle unser Auto bitte auf einem kostenfreien, zeitlich unbegrenzten, öffentlichen und jederzeit zugänglichen Parkplatz in der Nähe der blockierten Station ab.
Bitte kontaktiere uns sofort und teilen uns den Standort mit, wo Du das Auto abgestellt hast, damit wir den nachfolgenden Nutzer informieren können, wo das Auto entsprechend zu finden ist.
- Wie ist der Umgang mit Fundsachen?
Falls du etwas in unserem Auto vergessen hast, ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die Fundsache noch im Auto liegt. Daher empfehlen wir dir, das Auto per App oder Webseite zu buchen, um das Vergessene herauszuholen. So hast du den vergessenen Gegenstand am schnellsten zurück.
Wenn der vergessene Gegenstand nicht mehr im Auto liegt, dann sende uns Nachricht über unser Kunden-Kontaktformular. Gebe in dieser Nachricht bitte deine Kundennummer an und beschreibe den Gegenstand kurz. Teile uns auch bitte mit, wann und in welchem Auto Du den Gegenstand hast liegen lassen. Wir prüfen dann, ob er schon bei uns eingegangen ist, und informieren dich dann entsprechend.
Wenn du etwas im Auto findest, was der Vornutzer im Auto hat liegen lassen, dann kannst du uns den Fund über die App melden. Die Person, die es vergessen hat, wird es dir danken.
- Do I have to refuel the car?
Yes, but at our expense and only if the tank is a quarter or less full on return. In practice, this is only the case for 1 in 8 rides! Every car is equipped with a fuel card which you can use to pay for your petrol at the largest petrol station chains (look out for the sign saying “DKV”) without cash. In the cityFlitzer App you can see all DKV petrol stations in your area. The tank PIN is on your key ring.
- I filled up the tank and paid myself – how do I get my money back?
Important: Tank refunds are exceptions. You can refuel at all DKV gas stations. You can recognise them by the DKV logo at the entrance to the petrol station. You can find the nearest DKV gas station on or with the DKV app.
In exceptional cases, please send the original fuel receipt to our service office (Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus). We will refund the amount with the next invoice. However, please keep a copy of the fuel receipt for your records if the original receipt is lost by post.
You will find the tank refund form in our download section.
- Wissenswertes und wichtige Informationen zum Thema AdBlue
Zum Tanken von AdBlue kannst du unsere DKV-Tankkarten nutzen, die sich in der dafür vorgesehenen Halterung im Handschuhfach. Den Pin der Tankkarte findest du am Autoschlüsselbund, der sich auch in der dafür vorgesehenen Halterung im Handschuhfach befindet
Wichtig: Bitte tanke AdBlue ausschließlich an AdBlue-Zapfsäulen und nicht in Kanistern!
Alles Wissenswertes zum Thema AdBlue findest du hier in einem guten Artikel oder hier in einem guten Video des ADAC.
- Information zur Nutzung unserer E-Autos
Eine wichtige Information für alle, die unsere wachsende Flotte an E-Autos nutzen. Bei Nutzung der DKV-Ladekarten gibt es neue Regeln:
- Ladevorgänge an der Heimatstation autorisierst Du mit der Karte des örtlichen Anbieters, die im Auto bereitliegt
- Ladevorgänge an Ladesäulen fern der Heimatstation autorisierst Du mit der DKV-Ladekarte
Für mit der DKV-Ladekarte gebuchte Ladevorgänge gibt es ab sofort strenge Zeitlimits:
An Wechselstrom Ladesäulen (AC) gilt ein Limit von 210 Minuten, an Gleichstrom Ladesäulen (DC) dürfen maximal 90 Minuten geladen werden. Für Zeitüberschreitungen berechnet DKV Zusatzkosten in Höhe von neun Cent je Minute.
Die von DKV bei Überschreitung der Zeitlimits abgerechneten Kosten belasten wir deshalb wie folgt:
Autostrom an Ladesäulen im DKV-Netz
AC-Laden nach 210 Minuten Ladezeit – je Minute 0,09 Euro
DC-Laden nach 90 Minuten Ladezeit – je Minute 0,09 Euro
Mindestens pro Vorgang 7,50 Euro
Wir möchten DKV-Ladekarten auch in Zukunft in unseren E-Autos vorhalten, um weitere Fahrten zu ermöglichen. Wir benötigen hier deine Mithilfe, damit die Kosten im Rahmen bleiben. Daneben arbeiten wir daran, den Anteil an E-Autos in unserer Carsharing-Flotte weiter auszubauen.
Contract + Insurance
- Which tariffs does book-n-drive offer?
Our price structure is simple:
Private customers (so everyone not signing up as a company) have two tariffs to choose from:
Basic tariff:
This is ideal for you if you are just starting to use carsharing! Our basic tariff has no monthly fees – you only pay whenever you use a car! No strings attached!Abo tariff:
This tariff is great if you are planning to use us more frequently! You pay a monthly fee of 9,90 EUR and get to enjoy reduced prices for our hourly rates as well as day rates. In addition, your basic fee per ride (we call it „Grundpreis pro Fahrt“) which includes our faircrash protection is also included for every ride!Companies & organizations:
We’ve got a special tariff for anyone wanting to use book-n-drive for professional purposes! If you sign up for our “Firmentarif” you get a discounted 50% on our hourly and day rates, Monday – Friday from 6 AM – 4 PM.Check out our price calculator for corporate use and see how much you can save!
Diese Verlinkung nutzen: Preisrechner Firmentarif | book-n-drive Carsharing – So viel Auto, wie ich will
- How do I choose a new tariff?
You can choose a new tariff at any time. The tariff can be changed at the beginning of the month with a notice period of two weeks. Simply send us an e-mail to with the subject "Tariff change".
- Was beinhaltet das Service-Paket und wie buche ich es?
Du kannst das Service-Paket ganz einfach direkt in deinem Kundenkonto hinzubuchen oder schreibe und dazu eine Nachricht über unser Kunden-Kontaktformular, wir richten das gerne für dich ein und bestätigen die die Ausführung per E-Mail, sobald von uns entsprechend angelegt.
Unser Service-Paket beinhaltet:
- zwei kostenlose Upgrades der Fahrzeugklasse pro Kalenderjahr.
- Zudem reduziert sich die Standard-Selbstbeteiligung von 1.500 Euro auf nur 300 Euro.
- Das Service-Paket kostet 90 EUR pro Jahr und hat eine Laufzeit von 12 Monaten.
So buchst du das im Service-Paket inkludierte kostenlose Upgrade einer Fahrzeugklasse:
1) Buche das gewünschtes Upgrade-Stationsauto (sprich: Eine Klasse höher) wie gewohnt über die Webseite / App.
2) Schreibe uns vor Fahrtbeginn eine E-Mail an mit Angabe deiner Kundennummer und um welche Fahrt es sich handelt.
3) Unser Kundenservice bearbeitet daraufhin deine Anfrage und stellt das Upgrade im System ein. Wenn du z.B. ein Auto der Klasse M gebucht hast, dann wird es als die günstigere Klasse S abgerechnet. Im Anschluss bekommst du eine Bestätigungsmail.
Wichtig: Kein rückwirkendes Upgrade. Bitte stelle sicher, dass du uns vor Fahrtbeginn schreibst!
- What do I do if I want to cancel my contract?
First check whether it makes more sense to switch to a tariff without an on-going charge (Basic tariff). So you can continue to use book-n-drive if you need a car again. You will find the appropriate tariff change form in the download area.
If you are sure that you no longer wish to use book-n-drive, you can cancel your contract with six weeks' notice to the end of the quarter. Please send us your signed cancellation by letter, fax or scan to our service office in Wiesbaden (Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus; Fax: 069 . 5899 622 22; Mail: ).
- What does a service package include?
The serive package from book-n-drive includes:
- Liability in case of damage reduced to 300 Euro
- Two free vehicle class upgrades per calendar year
The service package has a term of one year and is automatically extended if it is not cancelled six weeks before expiry. The cancellation form can be found here.
Parallel bookings: The vehicles booked in parallel may only be driven by activated customers. For a non-customer to be allowed to drive a book-n-drive vehicle, the book-n-drive customer through whom the booking is made must also be in the vehicle.
This is how you book your free upgrade of a vehicle class:
1) Book your desired upgrade station car (i.e. one class higher) as usual via the website or app.
2) Before you start your journey, write an email to stating your customer number and which journey it is.
3) Customer Service will process your request and set the upgrade in the system. For example, if you have booked an M class car, it will be billed as the cheaper S class. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail.
Important: No retroactive upgrade. Make sure that you write to us before you start your journey!
- How am I insured if I use a book-n-drive car?
As a user of a book-n-drive car, you are insured with fully comprehensive insurance and motor vehicle liability. You can determine the amount of the excess in the event of a claim yourself by choosing your safety package.
- What is faircrash?
The faircrash® Small Claims Cancellation covers small, individual damages to sheet metal and plastic parts (e.g. bumpers, panels, etc.). faircrash fairness simplifies the handling of book-n-drive cars and, in particular, the inspection of the car for new damage before the start of the journey. Minor damages that fall under the faircrash® Minor Loss Cancellation do not have to be reported. No excess will be charged to the customer for these damages.
The following minor damages are covered by faircrash®:
- Individual scratches without dents up to the length of an EC card (8 cm)
- Single dents up to the size of a 2-Euro piece
- Is there a minimum term form my book-n-drive contract?
No. You can change a chargeable tariff (comfort and subscription) to the free basic tariff 14 days before the end of the month. You can make the change either by telephone, informally by e-mail or with the tariff change form, which you can find in our "Downloads".
Our service office in Hofheim can be reached from Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 at 069 . 5899 622 22.
The Premium security package is booked for one year and can be cancelled in writing 6 weeks before the contract is extended.
You can find information about the cancellation period here.
- How do I cancel my security package?
You can cancel your security package (old) and your service package using the following form.
- Wie melde ich mich vom Newsletter ab?
Über unseren Newsletter kommunizieren wir viele wichtige Dinge, die teilweise auch vertragsrelevant sind (z.B. Preisanpassungen, etc.). Zudem findest du wichtige Informationen auch auf unserer Webseite unter „Aktuelles“.Du kannst dich natürlich von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Öffne dazu einen der Newsletter, die du von uns bekommen hast. Im unteren Teil des Newsletters findest du den Abmelde-Link.
Fleet + Stations
- Do all cars have an environmental badge?
Yes, you can find detailed information on the environmental badges in the car equipment list.
- Are there cars with child seats?
In order for you to be able to drive with your family, you will find a booster seat in every book-n-drive car.
- How many cars are there and where?
We are the largest carsharing provider in the Rhine-Main area and currently have over über 1.000 cars in the Rhine-Main area, including Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Mainz and Wiesbaden. Have a look yourself at We constantly extend our station network. If you do not have a book-n-drive station near yet, please send us an email to
- Gibt es Automatik-Autos?
Ja! Du kannst in unserer App und auf unserer Webseite nach Automatik-Autos filtern, so dass dir diese schnell und übersichtlich angezeigt werden.
- Are there electric vehicles?
Yes, check out and use the filter on the left hand panel to search for “E-Auto”.
- Do the cars have winter tyres?
All book-n-drive cars are equipped with all-season tyres bearing the M+S symbol. These tyres are considered winter tyres.
In rare cases, summer tyres may also be fitted. You can find detailed information about the tyres in the equipment list in the car.
- Book-n-drive and the “Blauer Engel” (Blue Angel) eco-label
Since January 2019 book-n-drive has been awarded the "Blue Angel" eco-label. For 40 years, the “Blauer Engel” has been the federal government's proven eco-label in all consumer-relevant areas. Independent and credible, it sets demanding standards for environmentally friendly products and services. We are the third carsharing provider in Germany to be awarded the eco-label. The “Blauer Engel”l is a signpost for our future and offers an independent control authority to make environmentally compatible decisions for our vehicle fleet. This is an audit that we will now be facing every year. With the “Blauer Engel”, we want above all to send you a promise:
With book-n-drive you not only make a good decision for yourself, but also for the environment!
Find out here how you can protect the environment a little with a conscious driving style every time you drive.
- How do I find the cityFlitzer spots at the Frankfurt airport?
You can find a description of how to get to the cityFlitzer parking spaces at Frankfurt Airport here.
- Can I specify another invoice recipient?
Yes, just send an e-mail to . However, we cannot invoice individual journeys via other invoice recipients. It is also not possible to change invoices at a later date.
- I would like to pay my invoice later - what can I do?
In this case, please contact our customer accounting department, either by e-mail to or by phone 069 . 5899 622 22.
- I have a complaint about my invoice – who can help me?
Just send an e-mail to . We will get in touch with you.
- Why was an Ultimate-fuelling calculated on my invoice?
Please do not refuel with so-called "Ultimate" fuels! These types of fuel are considerably more expensive than the standard types. Tests have shown, however, that possible advantages of these new types do not justify the high price. If you do refuel with an "Ultimate" fuel, we will charge you a surcharge of 10 cents per litre, but at least 5 euros. We ask for your understanding.
- When will I receive my invoice?
Invoices are usually issued on the Wednesday of the week following the end of the trip and are then due for payment within 10 days.
For the sake of simplification, however, frequent customers only receive an invoice every 4 weeks, unless the accrued travel costs are significantly higher than with previous invoices. For basic prices, fees etc. the regulation applies accordingly.